
3 / 4 schools will meet on the dates below, and they will all play each other. Every school with play each other at least once during the season.


Mini hockey 7-a-side rules shall be played or adapted to the pitch markings. Games will be centrally timed at 12 minutes one way. 3pts will be awarded for a win, 2pts for a draw and 1pt for a loss. Where a school does not attend, without prior notice, walk over’s will be given to the other teams taking part. A 3-0 win will be awarded to the schools attending the fixture. Newark H.C. will try and provide umpires, but where this is not possible, it is hoped that Teachers/Teaching Assistants or parents will help.


To consist of both girls and boys and will be made up of pupils in the years 4,5, or 6. You can have up to 10 players in a squad, with seven playing at a time. Teams will need a fully kitted-up Goalie (if you haven’t got a goalie kit, please let us know, and we will arrange one for you). We should always try to have two girls on the pitch at any one time, and you can substitute at any time other than when a penalty corner has been awarded.

All players should wear shin pads and gum shields.


Wednesday, 16:00 – 17:00

Date School 1 School 2 School 3 School 4 Newark Hockey Club Representative
11.10.2023 Christ Church Chuter Ede Balderton Sir Donald Bailey Farndon Beth Dickens
18.10.2023 Walk over Barnby Road SDBA SDBA – friendly team Beth Dickens
08.11.2023 Long Bennington Farndon Jacky Nullis
15.11.2023 Christ Church Walk over Long Bennington Jacky Nullis
22.11.2023 Sir Donald Bailey Barnby Road Walk over Beth Dickens
06.12.2023 Chuter Ede Balderton Coddington Lowes Wong SDBA – friendly team Beth Dickens
13.12.2023 Christ Church Walk over Beth Dickens
10.01.2023 Chuter Ede Balderton Coddington Lowes Wong
17.01.2024 Chuter Ede Balderton Barnby Road Long Bennington Jacky Nullis
24.01.2024 Sir Donald Bailey Coddington Chuter Ede Fernwood Fardon – friendly teams Beth Dickens
31.01.2024 Christ Church Lowes Wong SDBA – friendly team Beth Dickens
07.02.2024 Farndon Barnby Road Chuter Ede Fernwood SDBA – friendly team Beth Dickens
21.02.2023 Sir Donald Bailey Long Bennington Chuter Ede Fernwood Lowes Wong Beth Dickens/Jacky Nullis
28.02.2023 Chuter Ede Balderton Chuter Ede Fernwood SDBA – friendly team Farndon – friendly team Beth Dickens
06.03.2023 Farndon Lowes Wong Long Bennington – friendly team Jacky Nullis
13.03.2023 Sir Donald Bailey Farndon Coddington Beth Dickens
20.03.2023 Chuter Ede Balderton Christ Church Barnby Road SDBA – friendly team Beth Dickens
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